Moroccan Lamb Tagine
A one-pot wonder, this hearty Moroccan stew combines the complex warming flavours of ginger, cumin, coriander and cinnammon - and more.

1 pack Carla's Moroccan Blend
Lamb leg or shoulder joint
6 potatoes
5 carrots
5 onions
1/4 cup olive oil (or your choice of oil)
Watch the video for further explanation.
Allow the meat to stand at room temperature for about 30 mins
Roughly chop the vegetables into large, uneven-shaped chunks and place in a bowl
Pour over a small quantity of the olive oil and mix well
Take the lamb joint and make several deep cuts across the top
Pour over the remainder of the olive oil and rub over the surface of the joint
Tip half the contents of the Moroccan blend onto the joint and rub well ensuring the joint is well covered
Tip the vegetables into the roasting dish or tagine
Sprinkle the remaining Moroccan blend over the vegetables
Place the lamb joint on top of the vegetables in the roasting dish
Cook for 4 hours at 140°C